Output JSON text

JSONValue has the following methods to output JSON text.

There are two versions for each method; one with no argument outputs a JSON text which does not include any white spaces or new line characters. It is suitable if the output will be processed by another program or library.

The other version has two arguments. This method is suitable for human-reading because it adds new lines and indent accordingly. You need to specify the new line character(s) and indent.

toTokenString methods return a String. It is the caller’s responsibility to encode the returned String. According to RFC 8259 - 8.1 Character Encoding, your application must encode it using UTF-8 without BOM before saving them to a file or transmitted to a network.

toTokenBytes methods return a byte array. The returned byte array contains the JSON text encoded in UTF-8 without BOM.


Let’s assume you constructed a JSON data structure with the code below and output the text with the last line where you specified ‘\n’ as the new line character and two white spaces as indent.

JSONValueObjectMutable obj = new JSONValueObjectMutable();
obj.put("key1", new JSONValueNumber("123"));
obj.put(new JSONValueString("key2"), new JSONValueNumber("789"));
System.out.println(obj.toTokenString("\n", "  "));

Then, you will get this result.

  "key1": 123,
  "key2": 789

If you do not specify new line or indent like this code,


then you will get this one line result.
