Load JSON text from various sources

JSON text can be loaded from various sources.

Local file

JSONText jsText = JSONText.fromFile(new File("/path/to/file.json"));


JSONText jsText = JSONText.fromURL(new URL("http://example.jp/test.json"))


JSONText jsText = JSONText.fromString(
        " { \"key1\": true, " +
        "   \"key2\": false," +
        "   \"key3\": null } ");

The above example does not specify the source name. For better user experience, it is recommended to specify the source name of the JSON text by calling fromString(String, String). The second string parameter specifies the name. This name will be shown when the parser encounters a syntax error. For example, the code below results in JSONParserException (because the string value is not enclosed by double quotes).

String text = "{ \"key\": value }";
JSONText source = JSONText.fromString(text, "text_in_memory.json");
JSONValue value root = source.parse().root();

As this example sets the source name to “text_in_memory.json”, the error message of the exception is shown as follows.

text_in_memory.json:1:10: unknown token starting with 'v'

From this error message, the user can quickly know the error is in the 10th character of line 1 in text_in_memory.json. Therefore, it is highly recommended specifying the name that the user of your application can understand.